1. Must file traffic accident report
2. Hire an attorney 3. Go to the emergency room or doctor office as soon as possible after injury 4. Follow up with your doctor appointments 5. Make all your diagnostic appointments even if you feel better 6. Make sure the doctor knows any and all restrictions due to accident 7. See more than one doctor, get second opinion 8. Hire attorney that is a certified trial attorney 9. Only use attorney that specializes in PI case's 10. Make sure that attorney will handle your case not an associate 11. Ask your attorney when was the last time he went to court for a PI case 12. Is the attorney law license up to date and does he have malpractice insurance 13. Does your attorney have any bar complaints against them 14. Get any names of witness 15. Be sure the exact mechanism of injury is taken at your doctor's office including weather conditions, road conditions, wearing seat belt, position of your body on impact. 16. Be sure to have diagnostic test run especially those test which test your injured area range of motion, muscle strength test, reflexes, sensation, stationary x-rays and motion x-rays, MRI if needed. 17. Your doctor knows how to give an AMA impairment rating 18. Your doctor is willing to testify in court if needed 19. Reexaminations are performed to document healing or permanent injury 20. Second opinions from different types of doctors that specialize in PI cases: neurosurgeon, neurologist, GP in physical medicine, chiropractor, physical therapist 21. Any days off from work due to injury 22. Any restrictions from work due to injury 23. Do not miss your doctor's appointments even if you feel better 24. Be sure your attorney sign an attorney lien for each of your doctors to insure you get the proper medical reports needed for your case 25. Your PI attorney know how to apply the AMA impairment guides 26. Require your attorney to not settle the case until the doctor has released you from care 27. Ask your doctor for an impairment of the injury after the care is completed 28. All your doctors have the findings for all your diagnostic tests and each other's medical records 29. Be sure to have pre and post diagnostic test and compare the differences this helps to establish is you have a permanent injury 30. The best test to document your injury: MRI, motion x-rays, nerve conduction velocity test, digital muscle strength test, digital range of motion test 31. Maintain open communication with your doctors and attorney and ensure they are communication with each other 32. Hire an attorney that will sign an attorneys lien by all your doctors, they are needed for your doctors to get paid and their corporation 33. Hire an attorney that will take your case on contingency 34. Hire an attorney that charges the same percentage that the other attorneys in the area charge 35. Hire an attorney that has taken a PI case to court in the last year. 36. Hire an attorney that will not settle your case without your consent 37. Hire an attorney that has won a PI case in court
1. Not file police report
2. Not report the accident to insurance company fear of rate increase 3. Sign early settlement with insurance company 4. Refuse to go to the hospital or see a doctor immediately after the injury 5. Miss appointments with doctors 6. Not Hire attorney 7. Believe it will just go away 8. Take medication for weeks and months 9. Not seek physical medicine such as chiropractor or physical therapist 10. Wait past 72 hours to see a doctor 11. Hire relative who is attorney that does not do PI cases 12. Not get second opinion 13. Not follow doctors instructions 14. Not see specialist for that type of injury 15. Not document the extent of the injury with diagnostic test because you feel better This is the eighth most common mistake that PI attorneys make when referring PI patients to Doctors.
Doctors who are not familiar with Colossus and the five primary financial drivers of: 1. Diagnosis 2. Impairment 3. Loss of enjoyment of life 4. Duties of duress 5. Prognosis Doctors who fail to: 1. Consult and document toward Colossus and Colossus type software. 2. Order proper diagnostic procedures necessary document and substantiate each of the categories 3. Create notes, reports and narratives based on Colossus or Colossus type software What does this mean to you: 1. Will make your work harder and hurt your PI compensation. How you benefit from referring PI patients to SF Chiropractic and Rehab Center. Our entire PI case management is based on discovery and documenting the five primary drivers, performing all necessary testing and form notes, reports and narratives based on Colossus or Colossus type software to help maximize your PI financial compensation. Give us a call and we'll share with you how our office utilizes the standard of the auto industry Colossus software for PI compensation. Call at (813) 350-9100 before you get to busy. this is the seventh most common mistake that PI attorneys make when referring PI patients to Doctors.
Not knowing that the prognosis is the fifth major PI compensation driver. Prognosis categories in Colossus: 1. Resolution undetermined 2. No complaint/No further treatment required 3. Complaint/No Further treatment required 4. Complaint/Further treatment required 5. Guarded: Should only given when a condition is serious and unstable, may deteriorate. Most injuries will suffer some form of pain, restriction, limitation or deteriorate. This is based on the facts of the repair phase of healing and that no repair collagen is ever 100% normal after an injury. What this means to you: 1. Because the prognosis is the fifth most important financial driver in Colossus and Colossus type auto industry software, a doctor not understanding the three phases of healing will give a uneducated prognosis and hurt your PI financial compensation. How you benefit from referring PI patients to SF Chiropractic and Rehab Center. We not only know the principles of Colossus and the Colossus type software the auto industry uses, our entire PI case management is based on discovery and documenting the five primary drivers to help you maximize your PI financial compensation including prognosis. Give us a call and we'll share with you how our office utilizes the standard of the auto industry Colossus software for PI compensation. Call at (813) 350-9100 before you get to busy. This is the sixth most common mistake that PI attorneys make when referring PI patients to Doctors.
Referring PI patients to doctors who do not know, document or understand that duties of duress is the fourth highest PI financial driver based on Colossus or Colossus type software the auto industry uses to determine financial compensation. 4 Categories of Duties Under Duress: 1. Work-patient could not miss work because of the financial consequences. 2. Domestic-inside activities/duties of the house(laundry, dishes, etc.) 3. Household activities-inability to perform duties performed outside of the house (lawn care, landscaping, etc.) 4. Studies-The patient experiences pain and difficulty in school, sitting, studying, etc. Three things that must be present to make a claim under duress: 1. The injured party: Have actually done that activity 2. The doctor has to note the activity 3. The lawyer must make a specific claim for duties under duress What this means to you: 1. Because Duties Under Duress is the fourth most important financial driver in Colossus and Colossus type auto industry software, a doctor not documenting the Duties Under Duress will hurt your PI financial compensation. How you benefit from referring PI patients to SF Chiropractic and Rehab Center. We not only know the principles of Colossus and the Colossus type software the auto industry uses, our entire PI case management is based on discovery and documenting the five primary drivers to help you maximize your PI financial compensation including Duties Under Duress. Give us a call and we'll share with you how our office utilizes the standard of the auto industry Colossus software for PI compensation. Call at (813) 350-9100 before you get to busy. |
AuthorYong H. Kim, DC, DACNB, FABES, FIAMA Dipl.Ac. Archives
May 2021
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